
· 7 min read

In english

In a world that requires urgent solutions to systemic problems, we must enable the processes that can lead to the emergence and development of collective intelligence and action. Such processes requi

In a world that requires urgent solutions to systemic problems, we must enable the processes that can lead to the emergence and development of collective intelligence and action. Such processes require deep cooperation.

They touch on both society and technology. Indeed, social and technological infrastructures are so intertwined, that one can no longer survive without the other. Technology has, to a large extent, become a “milieu”, a living environment that surrounds our real-life interactions, rather than an external “technique” that we can opt in or out of. Such an understanding of the role and positioning of technology brings obvious societal challenges and requires a permanent dialogue with citizens and institutions.

Currently, social and technological infrastructures mirror one another in a way that constrains our capacity for action. Both have been shaped by what Jeremy Rifkin[^Jeremy Rifkin] calls the second industrial revolution, which required very strong centralising forces to deploy the big infrastructure projects of the 20th century. Current social networks, due to their centralised architecture, have been able to evolve very quickly and gain huge adoption, even among grassroots communities critical of these models. This has led to a series of problems and issues which pushed the technological and grassroots communities in this consortium to come together :

  • Online privacy, security & trust:

    • Cause : Social networks centralise all their user data into one platform;
    • Effect : Data ownership issues lead to mistrust and fear to engage. The social network operator can see all the data and, in order to share it, has to own it too;
    • Need : Distributed identity, authentication, reputation, trust and search mechanisms allowing each actor to keep ownership of the data and to share it with flexible access control rules to any other actor or group of actors in the world.
  • Fragmentation:

    • Cause : Each social network operates as a silo, specialising in specific data types;
    • Effect : Data, interaction, identity, profiles and virtual meeting spaces are fragmented with strong problems in terms of efficiency. As people need to work with different actors, each using a preferred silo network, each actor’s data becomes fragmented over different networks. Each user also needs to register on each application, to have many passwords, to fragment its identity, to duplicate its data, thereby loosing information, efficiency and time;
    • Need : Data and identities should easily be linked across the web.
  • Context Bound information:

    • Cause : The meaning of mostly JSON data published by current web services are still context bound to the services provider, and make poor use of linkage, which prevents any mutualised development of applications and services;
    • Effect : Each web project develops one application with one database leading to strong inefficiencies;
    • Need : Use Semantic Web standards in order to decontextualise information making it linkable across web site contexts.
  • Lack of interoperability:

    • Cause : Each Web 2.0 API from the most popular Web 2.0 service providers ( Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, ...) is different;
    • Effect : A user must registerd in the platforms of the different communities and groups he's involved in, if he wants to exchanging something across them, while a programmer must write different code to interact with each web site, even when the basic types of objects they are working with is the same;
    • Need : The LDP protocol and standard ontologies will generate interoperability and, therefore, communication, collaboration and true mutualisation.
  • Suboptimal technologies for the development of web applications :

    • Cause : Each web application requires strongly entangled code between client and server;
    • Effect : The cost of building web applications cannot be amortized easily, with a lot of duplication of functionality across platforms;
    • Need: Using LDP enables generalized, accessible web components, that could work with any web server across the world, dividing the needed time for developing web applications onto many stakeholders.
  • Clash between Economical and Ethical motivations :

    • Cause : In the current web of massively siloed centralised platforms the user gets free access to a service in exchange for his data;
    • Effect : Value created by the crowd is captured by very few actors, mostly external to the originating communities;
    • Need : Enable people to take back data ownership and the attached value

The 3rd industrial revolution we propose to contribute to with Virtual Assembly is built on peer to peer networks of agile organisations that can co-operate dynamically and fluidly. This requires re-enforcing the autonomy and intelligence of individual actors, so that they can work together just in time. To do this we will work with communities that are structurally confronted with this problem and have become aware of the need for such an architecture.

These communities will help define, develop, improve and extend the initial implementation of the Secure Social Web based on Linked Data and other standards emerging at the W3C. This Social Web will allow each organisation and individual to control their data, which we prefer to think of semantically as graphs of relations, that can placed on the server of their choice. They will interact with the Social Web through web applications that can crawl this linked data jumping from organisation to organisation seamlessly. So instead of social network silos which fragment user's data across inumerable sites that don't work together, favoring the emergence of monopolies, we will build upon open standards implemented in existing open source projects to create a peer to peer digital-social networks.

The complex challenges posed by the multiple crises (environmental, social, economical) that we currently pass through, call for radical changes on our technology, its politics and its culture. The grassroots communities involved in this project are striving in genuine innovation, but unable to promote a peer learning and critique culture, as well as a cumulative learning on experiences conducted in the past or elsewhere. Fundamental knowledge resides in local and grassroots communities that needs to be shared in respect of its initiators. In this context interoperability resides in the possibility of exchanging information and knowledges respecting each community habits and formats.

Many of these non-technical grassroots communities, which gather around concepts such as degrowth, transition towns, food sovereignty, collaborative and solidarity economy do have platforms for sharing, collaborating and communicating. But they are atomised because of a lack of interoperability and common description of their knowledge (lacking the vocabularies or "ontologies" to do so). As a consequence, members of one community are often unable to share non-public data with people from other communities that they would actually like to, because either they share interests or they met together at some point in their lives.

The platform to be piloted by the communities in this project provides a valuable tool in linking data and people. It will be able to link projects, actors, resources, ideas and build bridges where no bridges were possible before. It will be able to combine expert and lay knowledge of academics, politicians and practitioners across disciplines and scales. This will expectedly lead to the emergence of substantial knowledge and innovation, mostly resulting from the new linkages established between the already existing communities' knowledge and experiences.

Indeed this process of empowering community participation is tackling very urgent issues often addressed under the umbrella of care, developing specific technological platforms empowers the associated communities, valorises their actions and therefore makes for an augmented agency and equity. Through our approach of having a strong application development and deployment process anchored in community-based model of continuous integration and delivery, we expect to harness the dissemination potential of our consortium communities networks. In this context, the pilot platform being proposed with this project goes way beyond the simple development of a technological platform.

This article was written by Guillaume Rouyer, Martin Pruvost-Beaurain, Henry Story, Marguerite Grandjean.

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